The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) should take the lead (along with the Department Of Defense (DOD) and the State and Justice Departments) to initiate three innovative projects which are:

Illegal Immigration - 3 Project solution summary diagram

The keys to Projects 1 and 2 (and eventually Project 3 for Latin American migrants) are that…

  • After migrants are initially processed as they are now, they would not be subjected to expensive detention center stays for extended periods or released into the US population.
  • Instead, they would be immediately put on buses or trucks and sent to a US port (such as Corpus Christi, TX or San Diego, CA) where they would be put directly on a ship for movement into Latin America (at least as far south as southern Mexico).
  • They would not be given the chance to overwhelm the Border Patrol or our communities or take jobs away from and depress the wages of our most economically vulnerable US citizens.
  • All three projects would include the repatriation of unaccompanied minor aliens to their home countries.  The State Department will need to develop special procedures (in conjunction with their home countries) to ensure that unaccompanied minors have family, friends, or other acceptable accommodations waiting for them in the countries to which they are being repatriated.

After Reading This, Take The Following Actions

  • Contact those you know (friends and family) who might support this plan, and your US House and Senate members, President Trump and the leadership of DHS and DOJ.  Ask them to actively support the Fix Our Borders Now Solution to illegal migration. 
  • Make a tax deductible donation to Fix Our Borders Now so that we can promote an actual solution.  Together we can end our illegal migration crisis.