Immediately Deport Recent Non-Asylum Seeking Illegal Aliens Far From The US

Illegal aliens who do not make a credible asylum request and who are captured soon after entering the US should be immediately shipped back to ports in Latin American countries[1] (southern Panama for those from South America).  US Army and National Guard assets would transport the illegal aliens to US ports (such as Corpus Christi and San Diego).  From those ports we should initially use US Navy vessels to transport them back to Latin America and quickly transition to using US Government-chartered cargo ships.  This project applies to newly arriving illegal aliens who…

  • Have not committed violent crimes in the US for which they have not been convicted and punished.
  • Have not made a credible asylum request (that is, those who are just coming for economic reasons)
  • And are caught in US-Mexican border areas. This can be expanded later to illegal aliens who enter the US at places other than the US-Mexican border.

Examples of the ports to which they could be sent include the port at Puerto Barrios in Guatemala and the port at Campeche on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.  The returned illegal aliens can walk home (or pay their way home) from there, just like they walked to the United States.

Actions in this Project should…

  • Immediately begin to reduce the incentives for others in Latin America to illegally migrate to the US.
  • Make it much harder and more expensive for those who illegally entered the US and are sent back to do so again by moving them far from the US-Mexico border.

[1] If the illegal aliens are from Latin America, they can disembark at a port that is in or at least fairly close to their home country.

After Reading This, Take The Following Actions

  • Contact those you know (friends and family) who might support this plan, and your US House and Senate members, President Trump and the leadership of DHS and DOJ.  Ask them to actively support the Fix Our Borders Now Solution to illegal migration.
  • Make a tax deductible donation to Fix Our Borders Now so that we can promote an actual solution.  Together we can end our illegal migration crisis.