Our Approach

Fix Our Borders Now  is a tax exempt, nonprofit organization (so your donations are tax deductible) providing education about more effective solutions to the border security and illegal alien crisis facing the United States.

Please evaluate our solutions and help us educate both our leaders and ordinary citizens about what we can do to solve these problems, instead of just treating the symptoms as we have done for so many years.

Our approach To Illegal Migration Is Based On the Ideas That...

  • The United States cannot afford to tolerate violations of our immigration laws any more than we can tolerate violations of our tax laws, or laws against theft, murder or kidnapping.
  • Congress will not change our immigration laws any time soon, because...
    • Totalitarian Socialist Democrats see illegal aliens as their next, new class of poorly educated, government-dependent voters and
    • Crony-capitalist Republicans see illegal aliens as a way to reduce their labor costs.
  • But a solution is available to the Trump Administration that would solve the crisis.  That solution just implements a different approach to enforcing our current immigration laws.

Our Story

Act Now!!!

  • Contact those you know (friends and family) who might support this plan, and your US House and Senate members, President Trump and the leadership of DHS and DOJ.  Ask them to actively support the Fix Our Borders Now Solution to illegal migration.
  • Make a tax deductible donation to Fix Our Borders Now so that we can promote an actual solution.  Together we can end our illegal migration crisis.

What's Been Done Already And Continues To Be Done

  • The Fix Our Borders Now Solution  described on this website was developed by Vertex Decisions, LLC, which in early July 2019 submitted it for evaluation to the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) and its subordinate agencies (Customs and Border Patrol [CBP] and Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE], as well as the US Justice Department.  That evaluation by those agencies is still on-going.
  • Fix Our Borders Now is trying to work with selected US House members (such as those in the Freedom Caucus) and US Senators to convince them to formally express their support of the Fix Our Borders Now Solution both publicly and to the Trump Administration.